Remote Tasks > Run a command at a computer

Running a command at a computer

To run a command at a computer

  1. From the left-hand pane, expand Picture of the Computers icon Computers and choose All Computers.

  2. From the right-hand pane, right-click the computer and from the menu, choose Tasks, Run Command.

  3. Type the command that you want to run.

  4. Type the domain and username of a user who has the permission to run the command.

  5. Type the password of the specified user, and confirm it.

  6. Set a time limit for the completion of the task.

  7. Select whether to ignore the command's return code. The return code enables you to verify whether a command ran as expected.

  8. Click the Options button.

  9. To display a warning message before the task occurs:

  10. If you wish to run the command if a user is logged on, ensure the box is ticked.

  11. If you wish to run the command if the computer is locked, ensure the box is ticked.

  12. If you wish to turn the computer on to run the command, ensure the box is ticked.

  13. Under Disconnected Computers, define what you want to do if the target computer is disconnected from the network.

  14. Click OK to close the Task Options window.

  15. If you wish to run the command at a later date, tick the 'Schedule this task' box and then click the Edit Schedule button. You are presented with a Schedule Task window where you can specify when the task will occur, whether it will recur, and when it will expire.

  16. Click OK.


  • To run a command on a selected computer, you can also choose Computer, Run Command from the Tasks menu.

  • You can use the same process to run commands on multiple computers. First select all of the computers that you wish to manage.

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